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System & Application Engineering

    Master of Science in System and Application Engineering (MSSAE)

    CIP Code: 11.0202

    This program qualifies for the STEM designation.

    The goal of the System and Application Engineering program is to advance the knowledge and competency of engineers and IT specialists in current and emerging technology and applications, including cloud infrastructures and mobile computing. System and application architecture are examined to enable graduates to design, operate, and maintain systems, networks and applications for a range of enterprises and organizations. Complex systems and applications are investigated within current operational and security issues. Exercises in data analytics, virtual machines, artificial intelligence, and specialized system solutions are applied for optimizing operational efficiency.

    Program Objectives

    Together, the 12 MSSAE courses provide the knowledge and skills that enable graduates to advance in, and become leaders of, IT systems engineering career fields. Specifically, each group of courses in the MSSAE curriculum measure a student’s ability to:

    • Apply fundamental concepts and methodologies for information systems and applications engineering, which is demonstrated by successful completion of the exercises and projects required in the common- and program-core courses, and capstone course; 
    • Consolidate knowledge in the latest technology advances in big data analytics, artificial intelligence, deep learning, and blockchain technology, which is covered by completion of program core and elective courses. 
    •  Analyze enterprise IT systems’ engineering and development issues by successful completion of analyses and creation of models required in the program core and elective courses; 
    • Evaluate a variety of IT systems including networks, data systems, applications, and securities with the ability to propose solutions utilizing advanced technologies which are required in the program core and electives courses; and
    • Build and develop system engineering project plans and approaches for solving specific enterprise or corporate IT challenges which are required in the program core and electives courses, and capstone course. 

    Program Length

    It is expected that students will take two courses per term throughout their programs. Since many students take one approved quarter-off (vacation term) per year during their program, the normal program length is 2 years (24 months) with the expectation that students will complete in this length of time. Students are given 3 years (36 months) to complete their programs as long as they are making satisfactory academic progress.


    Common Core (2 Courses)

    • Course
      Credit Hrs
    • MGMT515 - Management that Transforms


    • TECH515 - Technology that Transforms


    Program Core (5 Courses)

    • CMSC 509 - Software Methodology


    • CMSC 512 - Computer Architecture


    • DATA 521 - Tackling Big Data Challenges - Intro to Big Data


    • INST 534 - Computer and Information Networking


    • CMSC 580 - System Architecture and Security Design


    Elective (4 Courses)

      A minimum of 4 elective courses (18 credit hours) are required, which include at least one course from Elective Group 1 and one course from Elective Group 2.

      Elective Group 1

    • CMSC 583 - Software Testing and Integration


    • CMSC 589 - JAVA Programming


    • MSAE 530 - Cloud and Mobile Computing


      Elective Group 2

    • DATA 523 - Big Data Technologies


    • INST 518 - Technology and Operations Management


    • MSAE 550 - Emerging Systems and Technologies


    Capstone (1 Course)

    • CAPS600 - Graduate Capstone
